Thursday, March 5, 2015

Humble Beginnings for my Animal Reiki Practice

After spending the last few years trying to reinvent myself, learning everything from internet marketing to life coaching, experimenting with energy healing and getting attuned to 3 levels of Reiki and 2 levels of Integrated Energy healing, playing with crystals, creating Law of Attraction magnets and crystal charms for dog collars, making videos, blogging and tweeting, I think I've settled on my new identity.

I am an animal Reiki practitioner.

I'm now starting the process of creating a business around that identity, hence this new blog, Furry Earthlings.

Being a shy person, I am having trouble going out into the real world to market my services.  I think a lot about what I want to do, where to sell my crystal dog collar charms, who I want to help, who to volunteer my services to, and what to write about.  I'm still in the process of finishing my book, "You are Extraordinary," but I keep losing my focus to let Reiki rule my life.  I find myself practicing long distance Reiki on the neighborhood animals, learning new healing modalities, and creating my own formula for a healing/teaching session with people and their animal companions.  So far my technique includes a combination Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, and massage.  I'm calling it Tender Healing Touch, or THT.  I'm also looking into practical uses of tuning forks, maybe getting certified in tuning fork therapy.  I love the pure sound of the forks - music to my ears.

The other day I was considering starting a workshop, and my mind wandered about trying to think of things I could teach people.  While I practiced my morning Reiki/IE/tuning fork meditation I listened to my tuning forks and remembered what I read about what a cat purr does.  It wasn't much of a meditation, but it was an 'a-ha' moment.

Cats are the most popular domesticated animal in the world.  There are hundreds of millions of cats living on the planet, and I believe they are working hard to heal the planet and it's inhabitants.  There seems to be an explosion of cats being born every day, which coincides with the health of our mother earth these days. 

Studies have proven that the frequency and vibration of a cat's purr (20-140 hz) have a healing effect on the cat's body, the human body, and any body within the vibrational reach.  This includes reducing stress, relieving breathing problems (if you're not allergic to them), preventing heart attacks, and more.  When we are healthy, we extend our healthy ways to mother earth.  I have a sense that the cats are trying to save the world. 

I have a set of Angel tuning forks - they are small tuning forks that ring with a sweet high-pitch frequency tone when you tap them with a small wooden wand.  The clear crystal sound raises the vibration of your energy field to a frequency that is supposed to be equal to that of angelic frequencies - which is higher and more subtle than Reiki frequencies.  I find the tuning forks help with my morning meditation by putting me in a state of reception and a calm Reiki energy flow.  I love to use them.

This was my thought process: I was ringing my tuning forks, setting the intention for a Reiki energy flow, and thinking about how the musical ring resembles the higher notes of bird song.  Bird singing is supposed to raise the frequency of the area around them.  I love to sit still and listen to the wild birds in my neighborhood.  I find their music very relaxing.  I remembered how distraught I was every time one of my domesticated birds died.  I went through some sort of withdrawal - my house seemed alien, depression set in, and happiness seemed hard to achieve until I ran out and brought home another bird.  It didn't take me long to realize that it was the sweet music of my birds that brought life and love into my home.

I imagined myself asking my audience, "have you ever noticed that people who have birds seem to live in a lighter space than most people? Have you noticed what happens to your heart when a cat purrs?  What about when your dog whines.  It not only gets your attention, but seems to pull on your heart strings, setting you in motion to fix whatever problem your pup is having.  It hurts to ignore them."

It's all about the heart.  Every animal has a trick to get you to open your heart and activate the flow of energy that allows you to connect with them.  Integrated Energy Therapy, IET, is about opening our heart to connect with angels then connecting with the heart of the person you wish to activate healing with.  Reiki is also centered on heart energy.  You breathe in the energy of the universe, breathe in the energy of the earth, create an intention for the energies to meet in the heart space then create a flow from your heart through the energy centers in your hands to whomever you wish to energize or heal.  As you flow into the hearts of others, they flow back with their energy.   

Our pets seem to do this automatically.  Their intention is always to connect with our hearts.  It's so
natural for them it has become the basis for communication with each other and other species.  Which is why we need to live in a heart space to communicate with them.

I choose to be an animal Reiki practitioner.  I want to always be in the heart flow with my fellow earthlings.  I want to connect with the universe, connect with the earth, and connect with my pets.  And yours.  And you.  It's all love.

I guess I'm more than an animal Reiki practitioner.  I am a dreamer.