Sunday, May 1, 2016

Let the Love Flow

Can opening the flow of love to your pet help you avoid heart disease?

Yes. But there is a catch.
When the heart chakra is open, energy constantly flows in causing it to expand.  When energy flows out, it constricts, exactly as the physical heart does.  A consistent cycle keeps the flow even and moving freely, allowing a healthy energy exchange.  When you block the flow in either direction you risk constricting the energy and creating disease.

Many times we try to hold in the energy because we are afraid if we give too much away we will never get it back.  We become hoarders of love.  Conversely, we can feel compelled to give, give, give but not allow the flow to return. For whatever reason, a lack of love during our childhood, feelings of guilt, or a traumatic event, we have a need to protect ourselves and reject love from others.  Either scenario causes a blockage of energy, and as the energy body affects the physical body, heart disease can set in. 

Heart Disease is the result of an imbalance in the heart center.  The heart center is the focal point of all of the energy systems in the entire body, so when the heart fails, so does the rest of your body.   One in four people die as the result of heart disease, which means that one in four people have an imbalance in the heart center.

Have you noticed that when you are around puppies or kittens or any kind of baby animal, you feel better?  You start to smile, feel energetic, a lightness of being and just plain joyful.  Most of us want to pick up that puppy and cuddle with it, play with it, giggle with it.  That is because his heart center is flowing strong and healthy.  It expands to fill the room and takes you with it.  That puppy's love shines so brightly your heart synchronizes with the energy flow of that little animal.  He throws love at you, you accept and throw love back.  It's instinctual.  It's natural.  It's right.

So here's the catch:  you need to keep that open, even flow of love going.

The puppy knows that, and that's why he is entrapping you with his energy.  He wants to come home with you and shower you with love.  He wants you to shower him back with love.  That little heart guru wants to make sure you live a healthy and happy life.

All of our animals want that.  You don't have to bring puppies and kittens home with you every time you meet them.  All you need to do is love the one you're with, as the song goes, and let her love you back.  Accept it in any form your animal wants to share with you and don't reject her gifts.  Learn to recognize what those gifts are and receive them without judgement.  Show your appreciation with your own gift - a hug, a treat, a romp in the yard.  That is what unconditional love is all about; an even exchange of love energy, an even exchange of heart health.

Let the love flow for the heart health of both of you.