Friday, January 20, 2017

A Message from the AKC, January 20, 2017

When I practice my morning meditation I sometimes call on the AKC, Animal Kingdom Collective, to share messages with me.  I started this practice last year in an attempt to deepen my connection to the animal kingdom.  At first I got messages from individual animal spirits with messages that related to their spirits - an eagle gave me strength to face the unknown, a tiger absorbed my fear and gifted me with a kitten to trigger an awakening in my heart, a hawk came to me with a message that someday I would be able to fly, but for now I was needed to stabilize the earth with my grounding energy.

Every meditation turns into a mind expanding conversation.  It's a fun and enlightening journey into the animal spirit and my psyche.

Today, because of the inauguration of our new President, Donald Trump, I decided to ask the AKC if they had messages for us humans about the events that are unfolding at this time.  The whole election is a mystery to me.  Against all odds Donald Trump was elected into office by the people of the United States, then immediately ostracized for winning, more so than President Obama.  We are a nation of mixed messages.

I wondered about the duality, the love/hate atmosphere of our country.  I asked the AKC if they were worried about the planet, of the decisions Pres. Trump might make that create anger and harder times despite his well-meaning thought process.  Instead of an individual animal, I got the whole collective spirit.

Me:  Are you worried?

AKC: No.  We are not worried.

Me:  What can I tell people?

AKC:  All is as should be.  There is a higher purpose being served.  This is a wake-up call to all light workers to come out of the shadows, and it is working.  Light is spreading, darkness is being transmuted, more light workers are waking up.  The cycle continues to create a wave of love and peace that will soon spread over the planet.  (Soon is relative.  This could actually take years, but no matter to cosmic timing.  At least it is a work already in progress.)

The divide between life before and life after this time will be so great history will call it the Great Transition.

Do not worry about your President Trump.  He is a blip on the screen, a pin that pokes the elephant's butt and sends her roaring and trampling through the village.  (The elephant seems to represent our human collective, the village the planet.  Our fears and anger will create a bigger commotion than is warranted, as we are prone to over react to change.  It is how we react to the changes President Trump tries to create that paves our future.  We either take the elephant by the ears and calm it to make gentle transitions or we encourage more disruption with our outrage.)

Change is imminent. The village will never be the same.

Whatever happens, the rebuild will be grand and beautiful.

It is all as it should be.  Stay calm.  Stay peaceful.  We will be with you every step of the way.

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